Call 866.904.2627 for your Free Case Review!
Free Lemon Law Evaluation

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Even though you’re tired of dealing with a defective vehicle, sick of wondering “what is going to go wrong next?…when will it finally be properly fixed?”, you’re busy and understandably think it might be too much of a hassle to take the time and money to get rid of your Lemon vehicle. Luckily, we have a Quick, Easy, and Free 3 Step Out of Court Process for getting rid of your Lemon in 30 minutes or less of your time Guaranteed! The 1st step is a Free Case Review. You either call us and provide your vehicle information (or simply provide the info in our Free Case Review form) and then email ( or fax (1-866-226-1333) us the vehicle repair records to review. Then within 1 business day we can let you know if your vehicle qualifies or not. Your time is valuable and we will not waste it if we do not believe the vehicle qualifies under the law. If it does qualify, we email you our no obligation representation agreement and schedule a 5-10 minute phone appointment to answer any questions you might have about the representation and the resolution process.